Sumatra Asman Gayo Mill (Espresso Roast)

👉 Roasting Daily | Same Day Dispatch Before 1pm
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👉 Only Shipping Fresh Roasted Specialty Coffee


Flavour Profile:

Flavour- Cooked blackberry. Burnt sugar. Cola. Winey acidity
Process Method- Washed

Perfect For- Home espresso machine, Plunger, Stovetop, Coldbrew, Clever dripper 


Asman Gayo Mill

This coffee comes from a small mill in the Pegasing district of Takengon, in Sumatra's coffee-famous Aceh region run by Cup of Excellence winner Asman Arianto.

The Asman Gayo mill serves several small coffee producers within the Pantan Musara villages.

Several years ago, these producers were dislocated from their homes and land because of a natural disaster, and they have rebuilt their lives and farms with a new focus on coffee.

Unlike the vast majority of other Sumatran coffee receiving and processing centres, this mill produces both Washed and Natural coffees.